About the Author
I qualified as an engineer in England and in 1970 joined a Research and Information Association serving the Building Industry. I was responsible for advising the industry on the use and application of a newly available tool called a ‘micro-computer’. This was my introduction to the “Information and Communication Technology” (ICT) revolution which piqued my interest in its future development and application. I was also involved in the application to the industry of an online forerunner to the Internet, called ‘Viewdata’.
In 1982, I emigrated to South Africa with my family.
In 1988, I became a born-again Christian, and my engineering and entrepreneurial bent was supplemented and molded by the realization that life is not only about the physical environment but also influenced by the spiritual environment.
In 1990, I joined the ‘Information Services Division’ of the Center for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in South Africa to pursue the development of two programs:
One, an ‘electronic library’ that could be used to capture documents digitally and make them available on a computer screen. This had not been done before. In this respect, we were able to apply a ‘new’ technology called CD ROM.
Two, a national Online Information Service. In this respect we chose a brand-new technology on which to develop it, called the ‘Internet’.
In 1997, I left the CSIR to be self-employed in the application of ‘Information and Communication Technologies’ (ICT) and in 2006 formed a company with my current business partner, that develops and operates online cloud-based ICT Services.
In 2010, my “eyes were opened” by the advent of YouTube and my access to a wide plethora of information that became available to me. Many subjects that had been hidden from me due to lies and deception, such as how the monetary system works, awakened my interest in the subjects uncovered in this book.
I have gleaned more knowledge since then and I now share this with you in the hope that your eyes will also be opened, like mine, to the lies and deception we were and are being subjected to.

Adrian David Michie

In Part 1 of this book, my goal is for you to discover the truth of what is taking place on a global scale.In Part 2 of this book, you will be able to access tools that I hope will help you counter the evil that we are currently experiencing in the world.
Adrian David Michie